Team Westbreen ISO Video
Westbreen Primary School releases advisories to the school community on a regular basis to keep them informed about what is happening at Westbreen Primary in response to the current Covid 19 Pandemic. These advisories include information from the Victorian Department of Education, the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services and other relevant authorities. Our Covid 19 newsletters also advise of any changes to student learning schedules, both on and off site.
13/10/2021 Roadmap to on-site learning
29/9/2021 Remote Learning Extended
2/9/2021 Remote Learning Extended
18/8/2021 Extended Restrictions and Worker Permits
5/8/2021 Remote Learning resumes for another 7 days
27/7/2021 Students return to school on 28/7/2021
21/7/2021 Circuit breaker continues
15/07/2021 5 day circuit breaker
12/7/2021 Term 3 Changes
25/6/2021 Easing of Restrictions
17/6/2021 School update and the mandatory use of QR Codes
10/6/2021 Students return to face to face learning on June 11th
3/6/2021 Remote Learning Continues
27/5/2021 7 day circuit breaker
26/5/2021 New Covid Safe Measures Introduced
17/2/2021 Return to school
15/2/2021 Update for Parents
13/2/2021 Stage 4 Lockdown
27/11/2020 Last Steps
7/10/2020 Term 4 return to school
18/8/2020 Remote Learning Weeks 6 – 9
3/8/2020 Advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer
02/08/2020 Learn From Home Update-Stage 4
30/7/2020 Covid Update – EID
15/7/2020 Remote Learning update
9/7/2020 Contact Tracing and Cleaning update
5/7/2020 Contact Tracing Completed Update
03/07/2020 Contact Tracing Update
01/07/2020 School Update
30/6/2020 Covid Update-Confirmed
3/6/2020 Stage 2 Return to School update
20/5/2020 Staged return to school – update
13/5/2020 Staged Return to School
2/5/2020 Remote Learning Pack information
20/4/2020 Update on Teacher Communications
11/04/2020 Remote Learning Update for parents
8/4/2020 Transition to remote learning advice
We continue to offer our sincere thanks for your support, patience and resilience in such a rapidly evolving environment regarding COVID-19.
ORGANISED GATHERINGS Please go to” for the latest information.
SCHOOL CLEANING ~ While there are no reported cases of COVID-19 among the staff or students, the current school cleaning contracts and operations are appropriate and adequate.
GOOD HYGIENE PRACTICES ~ Again, all the above steps are part of our efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19. Can I again ask you to pay extra attention to the health and hygiene measures employed at your homes?
These measures are intended to protect the health of our students and broader school community. All school measures will also contribute to broader efforts across the community to contain and slow the spread of the virus over a period of what is going to be a number of months.
Thanking you for your support
Tony Cerra, Principal
Jason Kenny, Assistant Principal